Sunday, October 18, 2009

Light at the end of the school year tunnel...

Unbelievably, we are in full swing of the last Term of school.
This year has gone so fast, and yet I feel like it has been ages since I was frantically planning my classes on the deck of Hekerua Lodge, awaiting the first days of school.
Even though its only been 8 short months, I feel like I have already learned so much and gotten to know myself as a teacher. It makes me even that much more excited for next year - knowing the kids, knowing the school and staff - it makes it all that much easier for me to just enjoy the teaching part of the job.
There's so much for me to learn about myself in this profession, which is a very healthy feeling. I like the challenge - I know that doing well at this job, whether its for 5 years or 25 years, will take me down paths I never could have expected.
Will I be a teacher for the rest of my life? Who knows. As much as I love it, I can't predict whether I will still be in the same professional state of mind in the years to come.
Lately, I have been thinking about how much I would love to go back to school. I am a student at heart, which is maybe why I love being a teacher so much. The thought of working toward a doctorate makes my heart race with excitement and motivation.
I look forward to seeing Adam go back as well and have the opportunity to go out and easily get the job that he really wants. The difference in our professions is that in his going back to school, the money he could make will easily repay any tuition. In my case, even with a Doctorate, I'll probably still be making student loan payments! Music may not be where the money's at - nor education - but I can't imagine doing anything else.

On a less introspective note, I have included some photos from our school's cross country day! All of the students are required to participate in some way - which can include taking part in the "fun run" where they get dressed up and "run" the track. I was the MC, which included sitting in the shade and taking requests from passing students. A hard job, I know, but someone had to do it. Adam was the official photographer of the event, and our friend Jennie had the pleasure of getting 15 Year 9 boys (8th graders) out of a tree along the track!

Until next time, be well and stay in touch.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Everything we've left out....

wow.  so we've forgotten about the blog for a bit.  

so what have we done in the past month?  well, on the assumption we left out a lot here goes the update:  

- had 4th of July with another American and his wife at a Kiwi's house.  I cooked bbq ribs w/ a jack daniels sauce and cajun spices.  had everyone ripping meat off bone and going back for seconds.  Sarah cooked an awesome apple pie and made some tater salad that was well enjoyed.

- had our after term break.  we didn't do much.  the highlight was seeing the New Zealand All Blacks play the Aussie Wallabies.  the wallabies were favored but the AB's won!  we were so close to the game it would make some people sick.  it was a freaking awesome time with our friends Gill and Bill.  see the pics for evidence.  

- went to the zoo twice during the break.  we ain't ashamed.  the zoo rocks.

- started back to school.  boring school stuff inserted here.  Sarah is teaching and I'm messing with PC's.  her concert this term is gonna be a rock/pop concert.  i've got some infrared projects going on to improve the school and i'm debating on pushing a wind generator.  

- saw the newest Harry Potter.  not bad.

so the classes for my night school have been postponed due to interest.  don't quite have enough  students to justify teaching a full term.  but thats ok with me.  means i don't have to plan lessons or go back to school at night.  

in the big news, WE PAID OFF ALL OUR CREDIT CARD DEBT!!  no more cc debt, baby!  now we can save money for our visit to the states and not worry about the freaking monthly payments to faceless corporate bottomless maws of debt.  we've got it under control.  now we can spend our money how we want.  its a great feeling!  

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'd Like To See A Giraffe Eat Michael Bay...In Slow Motion

We had a glorious day in the CBD today!
After getting some much needed haircuts, the real fun began.
We went to the zoo, about which I have to make the following point: Every time you go to the zoo, you see something more awesome than the last time. Therefore, you should go as much as possible.
For example, today we witnessed tiger cubs playing together, otters eating their lunch (which was actually a bit disturbing this time...poor little baby chicks), a spider monkey huddle, birds perching on our hands, upright wallabees, and most the most amaing event of the day (and by day I mean ever) - we fed the Giraffe! And he had a crazy blue tounge and it was the best. Waiting in line with countless 3 and 4 year olds was so worth it.
Then, on a natural zoo high from the Giraffe encounter, we skipped gleefully off to the movies, deciding that Transformers was by far our first choice. After sitting through it, I'm pretty sure we both would have rather gone to see Hannah Montana.
Michael Bay has lost his f-ing mind in every sense of the word, and I think Hasbro should sue. And I would gladly be a witness for them. I was crying inside at how amazingly bad it was at certain points.
Luckily the deliciousness of The Mexican Cafe helped us recover from the previous 2.5 hours - who knew NZ actually has decent Mexican food? Very impressed.
Now we are at home - with a newly purchased puzzle mind you - watching The Karate Kid 2.
Speaking of, this monsoon scene is getting intense and I can't remember how it ends.
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New member of the family!

yep, there is a new McNabb in the world! Here's my nephew. He's probably the first kid that I think is actually cute as a newborn. Its the mcmagic, really, and i sense its strong with this one.